Feb. 13, 2024

Heart Rate Variability

Heart Rate Variability

Stress isn't just an emotional rollercoaster—it's a full-on physiological saga! When stress becomes a chronic guest, it can hinder our body's ability to rest and repair. In this episode, I break down how prolonged 'fight-or-flight' mode is like having a software bug that keeps your body from rebooting properly. Let's talk about getting back to the factory settings with some holistic health strategies.

"The problem comes when modern stressful living becomes your new norm, day in and day out, you are in a fight-flight mode. This blocks health and healing; your body cannot rest and repair the way that it's supposed to."

What you will learn:

  • Unleashing your inner potential

  • The importance of heart rate variability

  • Modern life stress

  • Chiropractic adjustments and stress adaptation

Learn more about Dr. Brandon Lemuel by visiting:



Fat To Fit Protocol